Attend a Meeting. Make a Speech.

  • Tips for make a speech at a board meeting

    We all aren’t cut out to stand up and make speeches, but we must give it our best effort. Below are a number of tips for making a speech. If you are reluctant to speak at a board meeting, make an appointment with your local principal, superintendent, library director and/or chair of the library board. Have a conversation about why protecting the right to read matters. These personal, civil conversations can inform and move the needle.


    .• Make sure you ask to be listed on the agenda.

    • Try to memorize and not read from the script.

    • Practice, practice, practice – most public comments are 3-5 minutes. Find out how long they will give you to speak.

    • Be on time to listen to the entire conversation and get a feel for the tenor/tone of the conversation.

    • Speak to the board, not to the other members of the audience.

    • Be prepared to answer questions from the board.

    • Keep politics out of the conversation – we don’t want to alienate – just share facts.

    • Share the legal precedent for first amendment rights – print this out and be prepared to hand them a copy if needed -

    • Know how to define pornography and explain why the materials don’t meet the bar for pornography.

    • If there is a recording of the meeting, please send to MLA.

  • Link here for a pre-written speech